It's been a little over a month since my last surgery. Although the constant stream of follow-up appointments with the oncologist, more MRIs, and plastic surgery appointments are making it impossible to completely put the thought of cancer behind me, I can finally look forward to life changes and events without the shadow of the next surgery or scan lurking. And I do! There is no time to worry about what may happen months and years from now. I saw a quote recently from Benjamin Franklin that I loved. It read, "Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight."

Well, I'm staying in the sunlight! Not every day is easy, but it's always an adventure, especially raising three precocious 'tweeners, but I really try to be GLAD for every day. How am I managing post-cancer, you ask? I'm GLAD you asked :)
I'm not always perfect (SHOCKER!) but I try to keep God at the center of my life. It's not always easy- I was pretty pissed off at Him for a while. I gave up years ago trying to map and figure out my life. Oh, I made plans. But God laughed! So bring it on- I think I've proven that I can take whatever is thrown my way.
Get down with these other "G" words: Guinness, Girlfriends, Grandparents, Guitars
Don't wait until you are retired to take the trip, take the trip now! There is no guarantee of tomorrow. Be sensible, but treat yourself once in a while. Buy the Uggs, or the designer dress. Don't wait until the braces are off your kids' teeth, or wait until the kids are out of college, splurge once in a while. You are smart enough to balance sensibility and fun. Complacency is killer! Don't settle for a mundane or unhappy life- you deserve better.
I like these "L" words too: Love, Leisure, Las Vegas, Lakes, Lizzy
Some people are private, some people like to share their experiences, then there's ME! Having gone through so many trials (rare high-risk twin pregnancy, divorce, cancer, working single-motherhood) I feel like I have some sort of obligation to help others and I embrace this role. I don't have all the answers and I've needed help of my own along the way for sure, but I feel that God puts people in our lives for an exact reason- there are no such thing as coincidences. There are those that I wonder why on earth they were put in my life, and those who I know exactly why they were put here!
All rise for these "A" words: America, All-Terrain Wheelchairs, Angola, Amy (me!), mAria, mAtt
Ray Charles said, "Dreams, if they are any good, are a little bit crazy." Well, I have some crazy-ass dreams. Whether it be dreams about Mr. Right, a better career, achieving success, or a new place to live, dreams are what keep us hopeful. So dream on, people!
Damn, these "D" words are delightful too: Dudes, Dating, Dogs, Determination (that sounded more like a stream of thought or word association, huh?!)
I want to share a recent pic of my bestest college girlfriends from St. Mary's. We were determined to make a girls trip to Vegas happen and we did. So for one fun weekend, we left behind all of our kids and obligations and had a blast in Las Vegas. WOW! These girlfriends of mine in the picture are some intelligent, fun, successful, and beautiful CHICAS!
L-R: Beth Larimer LaPrade, Buffalo, NY; Kelly Marozas Turula, Chicago, IL; Suzanne Schaffler Bautch, Garden City, NY; Laura Hanson Louder, Wilmington, DE; Julie Lynch, Charleston, SC; Amy Smith Wheeler, Angola, IN; Tricia Penny Pirone, Portland, ME; Robin Deal Clements, Birmingham, MI; Ellen Leonard, San Diego, CA; MISSING FROM PIC: Sarah Johnson Collyge, Bentonville, AR